Welcome to Erie Shores HealthCare, proudly serving the vibrant community of Essex County. As your trusted Essex County Community Hospital, we are dedicated to providing exceptional healthcare services to the 150,000 residents of Essex County. Our commitment to your well-being drives us to continuously evolve and improve our services to meet the growing needs of our community well into the future.
Erie Shores 2050: Shaping the Future of Your Essex County Hospital
Launching public consultations in each Essex County municipality to gather input and ensure our plans align with community needs and expectations.
Modernizing our hospital infrastructure to provide a comfortable and efficient environment for patients and staff.
Introducing new medical specialties and increasing our capacity to ensure timely access to care for all residents of Essex County.
Erie Shores 2050 is our ambitious 25-year strategic growth plan to transform Erie Shores HealthCare into a state-of-the-art medical facility equipped to meet the evolving needs of Essex County. This fall, we will unveil a detailed plan outlining our goals, initiatives, and the steps we will take to achieve this vision.
Join the Conversation
As part of the Erie Shores 2050 initiative, we are launching a series of public consultations across all Essex County municipalities. We believe that community input is vital to the success of our planning process, and we invite you to share your thoughts, ideas, and concerns.
The Ministry of Health’s Capital Planning Process has five stages and is a requirement of the Ministry of Health. Each stage builds on information developed in the one before and moves from planning through design and implementation. Government approvals are required at various stages of the process and community engagement is essential and will take place at each step of the process.
The Proposal identifies the next major project initiative. If the Proposal is approved then the Ministry typically provides a planning grant for Stage 2.
Stage 2 | Functional Program
The Functional Program is a detailed description of the programs to be delivered, the workload and staffing associated with those programs and major equipment and space requirements. If approved, the Ministry typically provides a planning grant for Stages 3 and 4.
Stage 3 | Preliminary Design Development
The Preliminary project design involves developing block and sketch plans, as well as details about major components, timelines and costing.
Stage 4 | Working Drawings
Detailed working drawings and contract documents for tender are developed.
Stage 5 | Implementation
Stage 1 | Proposal **We Are Here**